The Non-Woke Private High School You've Been Asking For
Hello Families, Friends, and Supporters of the NorthShore Classical Academy!
We are excited to announce that the NCA team is moving forward with the school! The State may have told us “no” as a charter school, but you, our children, and our community has told us “yes”!
“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
The NCA Board is developing NCA as a non-profit, private, Hillsdale Curriculum school serving grades 9-12. This will be the first private high school in Ozaukee County! Just as before, the school will provide parents and students a choice in their education. The mission is the same, the values are the same, but the road to success is different. The school will begin as a non-voucher school. This means it will be supported by tuition and philanthropy. As a private school, we will have freedom to operate autonomously and to educate and equip our children without the hinderance of government oversight.
To keep our promise to deliver quality classical education, we are beginning a campaign to build NCA from the ground up. This is a massive undertaking, but we have assembled an all-star team of volunteers and professionals to lay the foundation for our school.
Our first step on this new journey is communicating these updates to you. We are revamping the website, developing new material, writing grants, and connecting with individuals and businesses to help us build NCA. Our next step will be to spread the word and raise the funds to start NCA for the 2024-2025 school year. It’s mission-critical to fund this project. If we are unable to secure the funds, then our community will be forced to settle for the government public school system that statistics show us are failing our students.
Are you interested in being a part of our story? Please contact us to let us know how you would like to contribute to the NCA.
Are you a supporter of NCA, but not sure where you can help? Please spread the word! Forward this email to your friends and neighbors. The more people that know there is a new choice in education on the horizon, the better!
What is a classical education? It is a thorough, well-rounded education in the core subjects—math, literature, science, history, with added attention to music, art, physical education, and foreign language.
“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” — Thomas A. Edison
Cheryle Rebholz (NCA Founder and President) and the NCA Board